I have a tendency to collect useful items from the side of the road. Granted, some of those items won't find their use with me for many years or longer, but I never know when I'm going to need a spare exhaust hanger or anti-roll bar bushing, so I grab them just to be on the safe side. Sometimes, even, providence shines extra brightly on me like when I found the 12" Crescent adjustable wrench (perfect of 1" threaded headsets) or more recently, my GIANT channel lock pliers or today's mini wire cutters.
Yet I've just taken note of a new, unexplained trend; in the last two days I've found three rather healthy rolls of electrical tape. Yes, a watchful cyclist need rarely buy tape, but this, by my wholly unscientific analysis, is beyond a standard deviation for my normal rate of windfall findings, especially for one specific item. Hmmm. Having given it some though, I've come to the (again, unscientific) conclusion that, after a winter of excitement on slippery and ever more snow-encroached roads, CT drivers are no longer satisfied with the level of distraction offered by cell phone use, texting, reading, make-up application, and pet grooming. To appease their increased tolerance, they've taken to rewiring the dash of their cars while driving, letting the electrical tape fall where it may. Be very afraid.
(Remember, it's free to read this blog, and you get what you pay for.)
On a completely different note, if you want to know what happened to a bunch of the snow removed from sidewalks, buildings, and parking lots around Hartford, or just think HUGE piles of snow are still kinda cool, head up Windsor Street from where it crosses under the railroad tracks.

I'd estimate 25 feet tall and much longer than I managed to capture from this angle
you gotta head south over by colt park. there's a whole block of snow mountains. biggest in the city I think or were a week ago.
I did dash repairs while driving at least two of the elderly Volkswagens I drove in the 1990s. It was especially easy to do on the Type 3 fastback.
@Brendan Dude, in the parking lot across from Bulkeley those snow mounds are gnarly. They don't blot out the horizon like in Salem's photo, though. Whose dirty snow mountains are bigger?
I should have mentioned, the camera is a full 5 1/2 feet off the ground for the snow shot, no perspective tricks. I propose the next beatbikeblog survey: when do you think the snow pile will melt?
I saw the snow mountain on Windsor Ave. today. That thing is HUGE.
When will it melt? 2nd week of June sounds reasonable. Freaking HUGE, I tells ya'! I had to look three times to see the whole thing!
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