The Snails were joined for a few miles today by an enthusiastic new member.

Also, as you can see by this partially blurry image,
the Snails were uncharacteristically moving fast enough to warp the space-time continuum.
It was just another average run-of-the-mill Friday in Hartford, which is to say the Snails were out and enjoying themselves admirably. I rode one of those archaic bikes with an 8 speed cassette and of course kept breaking down, while the others basked in their Zen bliss of trouble free riding.
By the way, have you noticed the green bits sprouting and making it really start to seem like spring?

Brendan enjoys the trouble-free operation of a simple bike,
while my bike decided to "excessorize."

Also, with the snow, then water, then mud finally clear of our haunts, we found some ways blocked by trees, forcing us to alternate routes. Luckily, Brendan was able to demonstrate the cyclocross technique for which his bike was breed.
Is excessorizing like an exorcism of bike parts?
All I can say is, to borrow a phrase, "If you're gonna go, go big."
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