Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scaring people

My bike is a big Keats fan.

As stated in previous posts, sometimes I ride my bike around the abandoned Cedarcrest buildings. They're pretty spooky, in fact, all of Cedar Hill is pretty spooky: animal cemetery, human cemeteries, strange closed roads, abandoned mental institution, abandoned children's hospital, quarry, coyotes, CT Department of Special Revenue (who knows what that is?), etc. There are websites about it and everything. Anyway, since I worked late because of a Council meeting, it was dark by the time I entered the woods. I turned on my light and rode around for awhile and came out on Mountain Road in Newington. There was a kid walking his dog and I scared the crap out of him. And, upon relfection, I realized that I would also be scared by some weird, fast-moving white light descending towards you from a hill with bizarre spooky buildings on it. Even saying hello to the young man did nothing to freak him out less. In fact, it probably made matters worse.

What are they doing at Cedar Hill?

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