Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sandpit update

After going through the sand this morning on my ride to work, I ran into DPW in Bushnell park doing some mowing and sweeping. A lot of the stonedust next to the park's paths has gone into the paths. Intrigued by the presence of brooms, I asked them if there going to doing anything about the sand our blog discusses. Sadly, they said no. It's not City property on the other side of the bridge. So, there you have it.

Wait, no! That's not good enough. I knew I could figure out who owned the sand. Part of my job is constituent services, right?

Awhile ago, I met the chief of the Capitol Police, a fellow named Michael Fallon, and he told me to ring him up if I had anything issues that he could help me with. It looks like now I have a reason to say what's up.

ps. I hope you're happy, I like riding through the sand.


Brendan said...

final update, hopefully ->

Chief Fallon replied to my email and said that the sand problem should be taken care of in the next day or two.

chillwill said...

wow. i mean WOW!!! That is fantastically great! Thank you Brendan. Big up to Chief Fallon.

i assume by "taken care of" we are talking about the short term of cleaning it up?

will we (read you) need to email him after every rain storm to have it cleaned again? Or can he ensure a regular clean-up after every storm.

Once the NRZ plans are begun, this should never happen again as the whole area will be redone.

Thanks again. well done.

Brendan said...

I can talk to him about rain storm stuff. I imagine on the one hand they don't want people injuring themselves there and then suing the state, but at the same time, I'm assuming it isn't the highest priority. It's too bad you can't plant grass there or gravel was free or something.

chillwill said...

hmmm....someone mentioned Knox getting involved and a sea of flowers in that area!

no matter what, without a culvert to solve the drainage issue, the sand will continue to obey gravity along with the rain.

Brendan said...

a sea of flowers? couldn't we just get away with a bay or sound?

Karma said...

If they cannot or aren't planning on fixing the problem permanently any time soon they could at least put up one of those barriers they use on construction sites with the plastic and the wooden stakes. I mean it looks like hell but in the meantime it could keep sand off said path.

Brendan said...

I don't have internet access at home, but they cleared up the path at some point yesterday afternoon. I noticed it on my ride home.

I know we keep talking about grand plans, retaining walls, culverts, bridges, cesspools, and nuclear powerplants, but if I know anything about how government works, shovels and rakes are the reality.

If anyone wants Chief Fallon's contact info to thank him, I can provide you with that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all drop him a line to thank him. If he knows its appreciated maybe they will continue to clean it out after each rain storm.