You may have noticed that on the right there are two links to the NOAA sites about the CT and Farmington Rivers' activities. You should check them out. Shit's pretty real. (that phrase is still cool, right?)
I'm expecting this year's Eel, if along the river, will be entirely different from last year.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Obligatory hurricane pictures
Hartford was largely spared by Hurricane Irene. The Park River is underground, so downtown didn't float away. The Farmington Valley didn't fair well and I hear Vermont is a mess. I'm going there next weekend to verify. Southern CT didn't do so hot either. So, anyway, I've ridden around and taken some pictures of big puddles and fallen trees. Do you have better pictures?. And here is the rest of it.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Another D2R2
The D2R2 is getting super popular. Almost 1,000 people signed up and despite Hurricane Irene, it appeared that a lot of them and more showed up. The expansion does not seem to serve as a detriment to the logistical execution of the event. It's super-well run and the volunteers are awesome. Also, there are so many roads that they easily absorb the thousand riders. None the less, the increased popularity is making it lose its weirdness and gain some feel of a charity ride. Obviously, I have no claim to cred, because this is only the third time I've gone up there. I can still observe, though.
Anyway, Dario, Peter and I rode the 100k in matching jerseys with camaraderie and style. We managed to miss a turn on the return trip (which made for a lengthier trip and had a pretty sweet road descent down Shelburne Road), but since I didn't want an asterisk next to my name, I rode up and down Hawks and Taylor Roads. It perplexed the people going down the road as well as my riding companions. My 100k became more like a 125k. It was fun, but the 180k is better. The majority of the highlights of the 100k are from the 180k and the 180k has even better parts. It's nice not to commit to waking up at 4am, though.

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Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
In touch with my urban environment
As you know, Hartford does not have "cool" fixed gear movies like Mash sf or, uh, Empire. I've often thought this is because there's only like one guy in town who makes movies and five people who ride bikes. Today, I realized that's not the problem, the problem is that we don't have enough areas with the cool man on bike vs. the future aesthetic.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Road comfort
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
This Week in Saving Stuff
Cedar Mountain Time
Tonight, 7:00 PM at Newington Town Hall (131 Cedar St), please embrace your limited opportunity to stand up for Cedar Mountain, open spaces, and sensible development. At the July 27 meeting, I listened to a Toll Brothers representative explain their proposal to relocate a 1,700-square foot wetlands area that exists where they would like to build houses on Cedar Mountain. That sounded like a fantastically bad idea to everyone in attendance, but they seem intent on diminishing the will of the people and downplaying the impact that 64 houses would have on Cedar Mountain and its immediate and surrounding areas.
Tonight, the Inland Wetlands Commission holds the last public hearing on the matter. Once these matters go behind closed doors, Toll Brothers will do their damndest to make their money and lawyers trump the will and well-being of the overwhelming majority of the public. They're kinda doing that already, come to think of it. Please consider showing up to add your presence and your voice to the debate. Go watch If A Tree Falls at Real Art Ways if you aren't feeling sufficiently moved by this (not tonight though-- you'll miss the meeting).
Ferry Saving Efforts
An "Action Committee" will meet in Rocky Hill this Thursday, August 18 from 5:30-7 PM at the Nutmeg Credit Union at 521 Cromwell Ave. The committee is meeting to discuss starting a private foundation to defray the costs of running the ferry. Here is your chance to be a (Wo)man of Action!
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Monday, August 15, 2011
Johanna is my wonderful girlfriend. For a time, between the ages of 16 and 23, I didn't really ride my bike much at all. I don't remember why, but one day were started riding bikes together. We did it a whole bunch. Around that time, I quit smoking and decided to substitute one addiction for another by riding my bike all the time. Johanna doesn't seem to have the same predisposition towards addiction, or maybe is saner than me. So, anyway, she doesn't ride as much as me.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Quite the Ideal Evening
Today was a good day. Work was productive, which is rare these days. Then a short satisfying stint at the Hartford Y doing some literacy volunteering. I highly recommend the Read to Succeed program to anyone looking to volunteer. They've got their shit together, to put it the way I do.
I snapped a photo of the snazzy electric assist locked in the stairwell leaving the Y. Also got a radiant sunset shot of East Hartford while crossing the otherwise ugly Bulkeley Bridge (ugly but useful). Now I'm sitting on the East Hartford town green listening to jazz, and the kid's bike next to me has a rather awesome frame / fender.
Another Eel
I haven't seen that movie, "Another Earth", but I saw a trailer for it when I saw "Tree of Life" (and I didn't even ask for my money back). I guess the movie is about another Earth, that's mostly just like this one. I was mountain biking yesterday and thinking about this, but since I don't think very profound thoughts, I was thinking about me on another Earth mountain biking. And then, I wondered if the me on the other Earth would organize The Eel there, too. Would it still be called "The Eel"? I guessed that the other people probably would, but it'd be slightly different. Like, instead of going along the river, maybe it'd go off into the mountains. Maybe it'd be in Vermont. Who knows, except the me on Earth 2?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Trend setter or follower?
I rode a lot this weekend--up to Whately, MA Friday afternoon, D2R2 100 mile loop on Saturday (to put it succinctly, it was long), and back down to CT on Sunday. All that is well and good, I suppose, but things started to go odd as Tony and I hit the Windsor/Hartford border.