Saturday, September 26, 2009

Badass hawks

Johanna and I tried to do some mountain biking today, but it didn't go very well because I thought it'd be a cool idea to ride without tools, a pump, a tube, or anything other than my wallet, keys and phone. So, I was punished by mountain bike gods (or cyclocross gods, because I was riding my 'cross bike) and got a flat.

After regrouping, Johanna decided to go for a run instead and I rode around on the old Stumpjumper. Nothing interesting, though I did encounter this sort of creepy guy. Then later, there was this badass hawk that I happened upon that had just disemboweled a duck. Damn! The fury of nature!

I couldn't figure out where the hawk had flown, so I did not get a picture of him/her.


Interstatement said...

Friggin' Hawks! Leave it to those irresponsible UH college athletes to make a big mess and then duck out without even picking up the bill.

helmets said...

how difficult is riding a bicycle

helmet said...

it is best to stay active in sport

Brendan said...

those are some weird spam comments.