Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It Appears that Winter is Here - Let there be Sleds

Winter is Connecticut has arrived.  That said, so what?  It happens every year and doesn't take that much ingenuity and gusto to figure it out, make due, and even enjoy the Hell out of it.  One way 'the royal we' has learned to enjoy winter is bicycle commuting year round.  The frigid temperatures, varied conditions, ice, and snow give us something to push against in this world of depressing ease and leisure.  We highly recommend it.

Bikes work on snow too.  Amazing!
In the interest of spreading camaraderie and cheer during the S.A.D. months we (not just the royal) meet up for breakfast and unbridled smugness.  It's called IceBike to Work, but you don't have to be on the way to work, or even on a bike for that matter.  Try walking, taking the bus, car pooling and come hang out with us.  Those interested in winter cycling that just want tips, they are most welcome too.  Actually, everyone is welcome.  But smugness does require some level of commitment.  The Committee doesn't hand that out for nothing.

Friday, February 13th is actually an international holiday recognizing the smugness of winter bike commuters.  While eating your eggs and toast you can contemplate that in cities like Boston and Chicago the smugness is much harder to find.  Winter bike commuting isn't uncommon there.  Where do they get their smug?

Two IceBike to Work Locations 
Friday, February 13th
  • East Hartford, Maddie's on Main Street, right across from P&W.  6:45am-8:30am.
  • Downtown Hartford, Ashley's on Main Street just south of downtown, next to Hook and Ladder restaurant.  7AM-8:30AM
  • Heads up - Both of these venues are cash only.  Bring your frozen greenbacks.

Give it a try and spread the word.  If you have experience skiing the clothing is very similar.  Get some lights and consider studded tires if you're going to ride on icy days.  The key to overweening smugness is within your reach.  Reach out and grab it!

Art Sled Derby
Saturday, February 14th
Elizabeth Park Hartford Overlook
Lining up at 11AM

The Art Sled Derby is not related to bicycles - although we will be attempting to transport several  unwieldy monster art sleds via bicycle trailer.  Build a sled or just show up to cheer and laugh.  No pre-registration required.  Just show up. There will be fantastic sleds and even more fantastic crashes.  I've included a couple photos of my entries from 2013 (A Lazy Boy) and 2014 (Bouncing Baby Buggy).  Our 2015 sled is a team entry by TEAM TROUBLE including contributions by the veteran Beat Bike Blogger Ken K and his lovely, mischievous wife.  It's f'ing ridiculous!
2013.  Didn't die. (Photo credit - Steven Yau)
2014. Also didn't die.  2015 - TBD. (Photo credit - Steven Yau)
If you're still reading, you really have a problem.  Rather than read my blog, you should put in some thoughtful bike, walk, or transit comments on the Hartford I-84 redesign.  They are looking for public comments, and the opportunity for this design phase ends February 20th.  If you don't make your voice heard early on large infrastructure projects, you'll be dead before they design it again. (COMMENT HERE!)

1 comment:

  1. Six hardy sub zero bike commuters in East Harford. And one in Hartford. East Hartford wins this round.

    Dan Haar from the Courant stopped in to Maddie's to ask questions. There may be an article at some point.
