Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bike Safety Education in Hartford - Ready for Spring!

Last week I had my bike in the basement to wipe off the salt crust and install much needed fenders.  Despite year round commuting, I'll be welcoming Spring with open arms.  Riding on the ice and snow is an exciting challenge.  My bicycle is as reliable as I need it to be.  Unlike a car, I can pick it up rather and carry it over snow banks.  The extra resistance of knobby, studded tires helps keep off the winter weight while the sunshine (what little there is) keeps my spirits up.  With all the things I enjoy about winter riding, I can't wait for my favorite off road shortcuts to open back up.  I yearn for the days when it is warm enough that I don't have to plan and layer clothing for the trip.  Can I get an amen?
This was a new one.  My first traffic jam / broken down vehicle issue.
As others prepare to get their lonely bicycles out of storage, we are announcing a timely bicycle skills and safety training course in Hartford.  Traffic Skills 101 will be offered on Sunday, April 12th.  The course is partnered with Bike Walk Connecticut and will train 15-20 cyclists in critical skills that will keep them safer on the road.  This is a comprehensive full day course that includes classroom time, Q&A, basic bike mechanics, parking lot drills, and an on-road ride.  The class has sold out every time and we only hold a couple each year.  Register early and save the date.

TRAFFIC SKILLS 101 - Hartford
WHEN:  Sunday, April 12, 2015, 7:45 am to 5 pm
WHERE:   Thomas W Raftery, 1055 Broad Street, Hartford (corner of Broad and Jefferson). 
COST:  Bike Walk CT members:  $50; Nonmembers:  $65
INSTRUCTORS:  Tony Cherolis and Rob O'Connor, both League Certified Instructors (LCIs)

Community Discount for Hartford Residents.  The instructors are offering two spots in this TS101 course (first come, first served) at $20 to Hartford residents, self-declared limited income.  The intent of the discounted registration is to spread bike education beyond those that can afford a $50 or $65 course.  Hartford is a city with a large number of folks getting by working a lot of hours, for not much pay.  A significant number of Hartford residents don't choose their bicycle for transportation.  A bicycle just happens to be one of the most cost effective ways to get around.  For someone on a limited income $20 could be manageable.  We're also open to any companies and organizations that would like to donate funds to sponsor community attendees.  Send me an email @or call (860-204-2704), if you are interested in the Community Member discounted registration.

The TS101 course is a prerequisite for taking a much more intensive multi-day course for League Cycling Instructors.  The Hartford TS101 is your last chance to fulfill the prerequisite requirement before taking the instructor weekend long seminar in Simsbury the following weekend.  The LCI course is very intense and only recommended to serious participants that want to go on and continue teaching.  You can register online for this course, but you'll have to prove that you've completed (or you're registered) for the TS101 course.  You also have to pass both TS101 and the LCI course to become a certified instructor.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing info. on the Simsbury LCI course.
