Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ice Bike (or Walk) to Work

Don't put your bikes away yet.  Ride them all year long.  It's just a question of appropriate outerwear and lights.  It blows my mind that folks think I'm daft for riding my bike the short 3 1/2 miles to work through the winter.  The same folks that can't understand winter cycling will drive two hours each way to go skiing in exactly the same (or colder) conditions for hours.  Who's daft now?

A couple years ago I started organizing a monthly informal breakfast meetup for winter bike commuters in East Hartford.  We invite everyone, but usually only get Pratt & Whitney folks.  I can't figure out why no one from Goodwin College rides to work or comes to the Bike to Work events.  Goodwin even has free loaner bikes for faculty and staff to get from one to another campus building without driving.

Bike commuters typically love all the sustainable travel modes. If you walk to work, take the bus, carpool, or vanpool we'd love to see you at Maddie's on Thursday.  Many cyclists that have gone car free or car light use a variety of transportation modes to get around.  You can research your options here -  If you're interested in bus transit options, you can look up routes and times on CT Transit.

East Hartford IceBike to Work - December
Thursday, December 18th from 6:45AM to 8:00AM 
Maddie's Diner at 395 Main Street
Across from P&W near Subway
November IceBike had 8 riders!

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