Friday, September 12, 2014

Source to sea river cleanup vol 5 (or 6)

I can't remember how long I've been doing this. I think the first time was 2008, but I skipped it in 2012. So, it might be the fifth or sixth installment of the beat bike blog's annual river cleanup (as part of the Source to Sea event) at the confluence of the Park and Connecticut Rivers in Hartford. Saturday, September 27 10am-1pm. If you drive there's parking at the intersection of Van Dyke and Charter Oak Aves. Otherwise, ride your bike up to the top of the levee and start cleaning. I think we're going to be join by Hartford Steam Boiler, Trinity College (as per usual (they do a great job)) and students from the nearby CREC school. It should be fun. Wear long pants.

Regarding the 'cross race at Riverside Park this weekend, I'm a little confused as to why they're calling it Hartford's first 'cross race. Do they mean first this year? We may not have great regularity in our races, but we've had a lot of them. There were the ones back in the mid-aughts, the one I did in 2009 and the one last year that ERACE did (which they're doing again in November). Just because you didn't go to any of those races doesn't mean they did happen. I bring this up only because Hartford, unlike the other cities in our state that claim they're more bike-y places than us (actually, I'm just talking about New Haven) haven't ever had a 'cross race.


  1. Agreed that Newington Bikes claiming "first cross race in Hartford" was confusing and could irritate the locals who have been doing this stuff already. A bit of suburbanite Columbus'ing. Perhaps you should go to the Riverside Park Crossfest and heckle the organizers, as that is the acceptable cross racing method of communicating.

    I haven't seen advertising for the November ERRACE cross race in Colt Park. Last year it took three emails and a phone call to get more than the Bike Reg info on that race. The Central Wheel / ERRACE folks really didn't do much publicity and accordingly had very low spectator attendance. All I wanted to do was volunteer.

    With that in mind, it doesn't surprise me that Newington Bikes didn't know there have been several cross races in Hartford. The cross racing folks seem to be anti-social navel gazers. (Heckling)

  2. Do you mean Saturday, September 27th?

  3. Yeah, I do. Oops.

    I'm going to a a wedding on the 26th, so I keep thinking that day as the start of the weekend.

    I am reminded that Newington Bike sort of sponsored my 'cross race. They threw in some pumps and water bottles as prizes. That is how I ended up with so many Newington Bike water bottles.

  4. Representing New Haven . . . sorry, it is a more bike-y place. Agreed, no 'cross races yet, but city-ordinance mandated bike parking for all rental properties, and a mandated share of parking for bikes when planning parking for cars. Then again, a 'cross race happens only a few days a year, when bike parking is there at the end of your every day! Nice . . .

  5. But why would you want to park your bike in a place with no cross races? I'd just keep riding up to Hartford and lean my bike against a tree.

  6. New Haven folks should get up to Hartford this weekend for the CT Cycling Festival. Gran Fondo rides on Saturday, followed by a day long arts and music festival. Sunday there are Criterium races all day on a course in the heart of downtown. Our bike infrastructure may suck, but we are kicking ass on events.
