Sunday, October 27, 2013

Recovery riding

Now I don't know much about these recovery rides where you did or something and then the next day you ride like 20 miles slowly or something like that. If you're really tired, you shouldn't go for a bike ride. There need not be some mandated thing. Then again, I've heard about this training stuff, but I don't know what any of it means.

Anyhow, I had this terrible cold on Thursday and Friday. It had been a long time since I got since, so I guess I was due. It was weird because I was at work on Wednesday and a coworker was sick. All I did was look at him and I caught his cold. It truly laid me out. I didn't leave my house for like 48 hours.

On Saturday, I was feeling mildly better. I had originally planned to ride with Salem up to Robinson SP in Massachusetts for some Blowhole x3-style mountain biking. I had managed to fix the headset on my Colnago, so I was really looking forward. However, the cold sapped too much strength. Instead, I went for a much more gentler ride with Dario, Peter and a man from Sweden named Patrick. It was a good time and I went out loaded with handlebars and other miscellaneous bike parts in my messenger bag- making for a slightly backbreaking ride through the meadow. Stutter bumps with a bag full of metal on your back instead the most comfortable thing. Of course, it was my idea to do that. Dario wanted to go back through Hartford.

Today I rode to my parents' house. It was also lowkey and pleasant. The leaves are nearing their conclusion, so it was a great weekend to be pedaling around in the woods and looking at them.

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