Friday, October 11, 2013

Eelin' and Congealin'

First of all, I want to thank the participants of the river cleanup this year. Lots of Trinity students + Joe, Greg and Rich. We cleaned up a bunch of stuff and no one fell in the river. I almost did, but caught myself.

Second, big news for people who ride the eel: I'm going to do another one. It'll be the river route from years past, because I just cleaned it up and it's safe to ride now. Oct 20, 10am, leave from Fairfield Ave section of Hyland Park in Hartford. Park on Fairfield Ave or ride your bike there. 60 miles or so. Ride a mountain bike or 'cross bike or whatever you want. It's going to be awesome again. I'm going to make a .gpx of the route at some point soon, so that you can ride at your own pace.

Oh, I took a picture of this guy who crashed his ATV into a tree and got it stuck at Mansfield Hollow State Park yesterday. Schadenfreude!

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