Sunday, September 22, 2013

What the Bike is Happening?

This past weekend was a veritable orgy of bicycle events, with a heavy dose of walkable community.  Then this week while wandering by the Goodwin College garage across from work when I spotted a bright blue cargo / commuter bike emblazoned with the Goodwin logo.  Since I'm not shy around bikes, I sauntered over and struck up a conversation.  The one bike was the first of twelve being un-boxed and assembled for the loaner bike fleet of Goodwin College staff and students at their various Riverside Drive and Main Street buildings.  So freaking cool.
Color coordinated and well branded.  Rugged, chic commuter bikes.
Oddly (bike gravity?) in the same week I was approached internally at Pratt & Whitney by some intrepid engineers on the Green Committee looking to float the idea of a loaner bike fleet to go between buildings on our huge campus.  I takes 20+ minutes to walk from one side of campus to the other.  Many critical, in-person meetings are replaced with teleconferencing because no one can afford to blow 40 minutes walking.  It is a great idea, and I really should get behind it.  The funny part is that P&W policy (in the travel and transportation policy document) currently prohibits riding a "two" wheeled bicycle or motorcycle when on company business - which means between meetings during the day at work.  Awesome, huh?

And.  AND!  There is a Bike (and Walk) to Work Breakfast in East Hartford on Friday, September 27th.  The Town of East Hartford is picking up the torch and sponsoring an event smack dab in the front lawn of town hall on Main Street.  In addition to the P&W bike commuter regulars, this event will reach an entirely new geographic and demographic group of commuters.  The expansion of the event to include both walking and biking commuters is genius and captures the intent of Bike Walk Connecticut to be an inclusive active transportation advocacy organization.  The breakfast is being promoted by the Town of East Hartford, Capitol Region Council of Governments, Pratt & Whitney Cycling Club, and Goodwin College.  Cycling Concepts (Glastonbury and Rocky Hill) will be the bike shop onsite to answer your questions and consult on bike stuff.  Help us spread the word (Facebook Invite), and stop by if this is anywhere near your regular commute.

East Hartford Bike (and Walk) to Work Info:

  • When:  Friday, September 27th.  6:30AM-8:30AM.
  • Where:  East Hartford Town Hall, Main Street.  Downtown, right next to the fire station.
  • What:  Food and beverages.  Usually coffee, juice, bagels, fruit, etc.  
  • Why:  It is fun!  General hanging out with bike (and walk) friendly folks.  Trade tips.  Make connections.  Encourage beginners to give it a shot. Complain about crappy drivers.
  • How:  On a bike or your feet.  Pretty damn simple.  Only note is that it days are getting make sure you are visible (lights, reflective) for your trip.  An invisible cyclist is a cyclist in danger.
Sweet.  Keep up the awesomeness, and I'll see you around.

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