Friday, December 5, 2008

Recycle Bicycle

Here's a link to Adam Bulger's 2007 story about Recycle Bicycle, the bicycle recycle program for kids in New Britain. Bulger's article provides a short and sweet overview and vignette of the shop.

I couldn't find anything else on the web about this place, but I heard of it this fall at an alleycat race. It might be helpful to get a little wordamouth going for them. Also, if you have old bikes or bike parts that kids could use to build bikes for themselves, bring them down to 225 Arch St. in New Britain.

I'm going to visit Recycle Bicycle tonight... and then we are going to celebrate Prohibition Repeal Day.


  1. Excellent spot. That's where I got my bike, on Mr. Bulger's recommendation, of course.

  2. There is program in Danbury that is doing this and then I got an email last night from someone who works for Cannondale saying they have Christmas program similar to these programs.

  3. Cool place, great program. I've given them some good bmx frames I've found (they have a team for the kids) and some 24" wheel mountain bikes. Hours are a little variable - call them at 826-5511 to be sure that they're open.

  4. I like this place for earning Kharma points.

    My kids keep outgrowing their bikes (I guess that's what happens when you feed them), and I've donated at least 4, and will be bringing another over there shortly.

    They're very appreciative, and the kids are very happy to take the bikes off your hands.

  5. I called them today (12/8/08) and their message said they've moved to a Prospect St. location (88, I think) that doesn't have retail space.

  6. Yes, I realized the change of address when I visited. Be sure to call ahead before you go, but FYI I changed the address in this post to reflect the new location. It is technically on Prospect St. but it is around the back of 225 Arch St.
